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Showing posts from November, 2018

Breaking the Mould

Hey everyone, I know I haven't blogged in a very long time, but I finished Uni and needed a break from writing - honestly, the last year of Uni was so intense it completely sucked the enjoyment out of any form of writing for a lot longer than I would have liked; my poetry, my fiction... and my blog. I wrote a post in June , I know, but that's only because I had something truly passionate to write about; a one-off thing it would seem... But earlier in the week I read an article on Bored Panda and it really got me thinking: Why do I always wait until something exciting or emotion-stimulating happens to me to blog? But I think deep down I know the answer to my own question: I've never thought people would want to read about things that aren't exciting or emotion-stimulating. That was until I found out about Holly Warland ( Facebook and Instagram ). Holly has taken it into her own hands to change the concept of disability blogging and it has truly opened my eyes...