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Breaking the Mould

Hey everyone,
I know I haven't blogged in a very long time, but I finished Uni and needed a break from writing - honestly, the last year of Uni was so intense it completely sucked the enjoyment out of any form of writing for a lot longer than I would have liked; my poetry, my fiction... and my blog. I wrote a post in June, I know, but that's only because I had something truly passionate to write about; a one-off thing it would seem...
But earlier in the week I read an article on Bored Panda and it really got me thinking:
Why do I always wait until something exciting or emotion-stimulating happens to me to blog?
But I think deep down I know the answer to my own question: I've never thought people would want to read about things that aren't exciting or emotion-stimulating. That was until I found out about Holly Warland (Facebook and Instagram). Holly has taken it into her own hands to change the concept of disability blogging and it has truly opened my eyes! She writes:
"As my condition worsened, I found a real lack of true representation of severe disability. It seemed like every social media personality with a disability fell into the category of ‘inspirational’."
Thinking about it, not once in my youth had I myself read a disability blog that wasn't pure positivity or "inspirational", and I think this has instilled in me a false concept of what a disability blogger should be. So, though I often have the urge to write something, my posts end up being months apart because I don't have anything "interesting" to write about!
But, as Holly says, this isn't realistic... this isn't what having a disability really is... this isn't me... it's only a small part of me!
So maybe I should write about everyday things? The small things, the silly things, the serious things...
*to read the full article about Holly's journey, click here


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