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The Start of Something New...

... yes, I did just use HSM for inspiration for my title *facepalm*

Anyway, hey everyone, long time, no see! ... Well, speak lol.

Since it's been so long, and lots of things have changed, I've decided to start a fresh with my blogging - coincidentally on New Year's Day - so welcome to the new (and hopefully improved somewhat) blog, and to any potential new followers who missed out on my previous blogs! I thought I'd use this first post to properly explain the reasoning behind this change and to assure you that yes, it is still me, that crazy girl Lucy who was once a Demelza Teen. Which brings me to the main reason for the blogging switcharoo...

As some of you may remember, I used to volunteer for Demelza Hospice Care for Children - a respite service I myself used to access - for my college course and was "blogily" christened Demelza Teen. That was four years ago now!! Having finished college two years after, and my position not fitting academically with my Uni course, I left the Marketing and Communications team and let my volunteer registration expire. I did, however, continue blogging as Demelza Teen for a while after this.

Though I no longer volunteer, I am now part of the transition team and hoping to start up a transition mentoring scheme in the not too distant future. But, even more basically than this, I'm no longer a "teen" either! So, really, the name "Demelza Teen" no longer works - I'm 23 and am not blogging for them anymore. Yes, I still attend transition meetings, but personally I feel that I can have a lot more (grown up) freedom with the topics I cover in my blog if it's no longer affiliated directly with a Children's Hospice...

Wouldn't want to get myself into trouble now would I.. ;)

Speaking of Uni, I've just finished my first term in my third year on the Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring course and, quite honestly, I have no idea where those first two years have gone?! See... told you a lot has changed, and this is just the start!

I'm also firmly settled into my new adult respite place - Jacksplace, some of you may remember me mention it before - so I thought it would be a little wrong to be talking more and more about Jacks and less and less about Demelza, still being named Demelza Teen.

I'm absolutely bursting with excitement right now, excitement to start afresh with my blogging and once again give you all a little insight into my crazy world! ... But I've rambled on enough for now haha.

So, as I once used to say, speak to you sometime lovelies x


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