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Dressing to a Fashion...

What should I wear?
That's the million dollar question when it comes to the majority of the female population, not just for special occasions, but on a daily basis. There's something about fashion that makes a girl feel good about herself; whether it be because a certain top has a flattering shape, or a certain pair of trackies are the most comfortable thing in existence, girls just love clothes!

But it can quickly become a love-hate relationship, especially if said girl is, say... a wheelchair user.

From a relatively young age, girls develop a sense of style, often influenced by social norms, fashion role models, and whether or not your Mum is going to yell bloody murder at you if you leave the house "looking like that". But, above all else, the biggest influence on us wheelie girls is:

"Can I actually wear this?"

I know certain things don't suit certain body shapes, so this could be argued to be another common influence, but it's definitely a lot harder if you're in a wheelchair. In many cases, we have different postures (i.e. sitting on our butts all day or, in my case, lying down in not so private places), stiff limbs, and disproportionate body shapes, making finding the perfect outfit somewhat difficult, sometimes near on impossible. And, because of this, the battle between what we'd like to wear and what we can wear can be an incredibly difficult one to fight...

I, for one, have definitely grown up with the frustrations of developing a personal style in my head that, in reality, isn't at all practical, and I'm certain that I'm not the only one! For years I've had to go through the disappointing feeling of finding clothes that I adore the idea of wearing, only to find that the material isn't stretchy enough for me to easily put them on, or the style would look totally awful on me because my body brace would be showing underneath instead of the intended cleavage, belly, or back, or the shape wouldn't sit right because of my shape and posture.

Not only do I have to think about what would "look good" on me, there are also many other factors to consider, the main three being:

  • What I can physically get on and off without too much discomfort because of my limitations of movement (as previously mentioned)
  • What's easier for carers to get on and off of me
  • And practicality for using hoists/my wheelchair, as well  as lying down in public places (again, as mentioned above), in a dignified manner

It's become somewhat of a learning experience in itself because the only real way to know is through trial and error:

  • I've been stuck in clothes that I've just about managed to get on but seriously struggled to get off again (which was actually quite funny, even amongst the pain)
  • I've learned that I can still be "girly" and wear dresses and skirts modestly in public if I wear cycling shorts underneath
  • And it's entirely possible to find off-the-shoulder tops and dresses that fit well, or denim jackets soft and thin enough to easily move in, if you look hard enough (thanks Mum!)
So, whilst I still struggle to balance my personal style and physical fashion abilities, I'm getting there. It's a lot easier now I'm older too as, what was once considered babyish for a lot of things, is now retro and cool - yay pinafore dresses and dolly shoes! I'm still yet to fulfill my ultimate fashion goal but hey, I never thought I'd be able to wear denim jackets again or off-the-shoulder clothes at all! So I'm quietly confident in my Mum; she'll find what I'm after...


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