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Going Through The Motions...

Last week was a CRAZY week for McFly fans!
Out of the blue, the profile pictures of their band social media pages changed - after a three-year hiatus - and BOOM! Everyone went into meltdown, including me... The very next day they officially announced their return, along with a comeback "party" at The O2 Arena in London, and, being the party girl that I am, I blew all my credit and 35 minutes on hold on getting tickets. Score!

I was so happy, I was slightly giddy with it. My favourite band was back on the scene and I'd bought tickets to celebrate with them before the year is out - we went from no McFly to ALL of the McFly in next to no time at all, something no one saw coming! And then this week they announced their 2020 arena tour, and my mood suddenly changed...

Obviously I was so happy for them: a sell-out comeback gig, and then an eleven-date arena  tour. They truly are back with a bang! I was really excited at the prospect of seeing them again next year too - taking a trip down memory lane and thinking back to my previous McFly concerts, the star girl with five colours on her nails rather than five colours in her hair, really did make me smile - but then my logistical mind kicked in. I don't know why it happened but I started thinking about all the things I'm not able to do at a concert (probably due to the explosion of McFly-related tweets and Facebook posts).

One of the main things is the OMFG Zone. I would absolutely LOVE to be able to get close to the stage, especially when seeing my favourites, but unfortunately I have to lie down at concerts and lying down down the very front of the audience just isn't feasible or probably even safe lol. On the other hand, lying down means I can actually go to concerts and enjoy them without pain so I can't complain too much...

The next thing, highlighted even more by being a Twitter user, is meeting your favourite artists. Everybody knows that one of the more exciting parts of any concert is waiting outside the venue at the end of the show, not knowing whether you'll be lucky enough to meet your idols. You get to meet and hang out with other fans, you have a bit of a mess around, you wait around for ages not even knowing if they've already left, but it's the anticipation and possibility that at any minute they're going to come around that corner and make your Friday night that makes it so exciting! Most of the time, it's either too cold or I'm too tired to do any of this, plus the person I get to take  me there usually just wants to get home at that time of night because it's such a long drive, so once again it's another thing that I don't get to do.

But probably the most disheartening thing is not being able to access the venue itself because of your needs. When I first enquired about going to concerts at The O2 Arena, I was told I would need to set up a disabled customer profile outlining my needs. Eventually my access requirements were put in place and I quickly became a regular at The O2 Arena. Unfortunately, it's just my luck that other venues haven't been as forthcoming when it comes to allowing me to lie down or bring two carers instead of just the one, meaning that I often miss out on seeing my favourite artists on tour - McFly 2020 being the most recent example. I know I sound really moany right now but that's the truth of it and, every once in a while, the reality of the limitations of my disability gets a little too close for comfort, meaning all the unsaid things that I keep hidden away behind my wall of positive vibes come flooding out. Not often you'll be pleased to know but I wouldn't be human if I was all on the sunny side of the street all the time...

I know I'm not alone in this and I hate being that girl who feels sorry for herself but it seems having McFly back in the picture has stirred some foolish feelings. I'll be ok though, I've got it out of my system now so can shine a light on the whole situation again - I'M SEEING MCFLY IN LESS THAN TWO MONTHS!!! YAY!!! And absolutely NOTHING is going to top that! It's all about you making the most of things as you do watcha can do rather than dwelling on watcha can't but, equally, it's ok to feel a bit put out from time to time too. Please, please ust don't let that feeling of "I can't do certain things" bubble wrap you into not trying anything at all.

So I was a little annoyed for a while, it's inevitable really, but having thought about it for a few days and waffled on for an age (sorry's not good enough I know but... sorry?), I'm feeling much better about the whole thing, it's not the end of the world after all.

No worries if you didn't make it to the end of this essay-long post (maybe I'm finally starting to miss Uni?!) but, if you did, I have a question for my fellow Galaxy Defenders...

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Did you happen to notice how many McFly song titles I slipped into my ramblings? I'll give you a clue, there's more than you probably think...

Speak to you sometime my lovelies! X


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