I just had a major realisation! ... I'm Elsa!! Yeah, I know! ... Alright, maybe not but the song title spoke to me for this one, ok? But I did genuinely have a somewhat "mind-blown" moment, which really doesn't happen very often, does it? Even to Little Miss Thinkalot over here... I'm sure there's some sort of irony in there somewhere? Anyway, I was having a conversation with one of my very best friends yesterday and it occurred to us - how many people take for granted the simple pleasure of being able to "see" themselves whenever they feel like it? You're probably reading this thinking ' everyone has the ability to see themselves, what are you going on about? You crazy girl... ' and, up until yesterday, I'd be inclined to agree with you that I'd probably gone a little bit more bonkers than I already am! But what I'm getting at here isn't just being able to see yourself, it's being able to see your body in all i...